Friday, June 26, 2009

R.I.P Michael Jackson

i was memorizing moral in the car
at the same time listening to hitz fm
when i heard the news about michael jackson's death
i was so shocked...

50 years of life journey
45 years being an entertainer
it isnt that easy...
king of pop, bye bye~

i heard his "You are not alone" for 3 times today on air
kinda like this song...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

not prepared yet

mid year exam is coming
piano exam is around the corner too

but i m not prepared yet

tiring and boring holiday
hate it...

mid year exam: 22nd of June

Piano exam:(grade 8)
14th of June (trial) &
2nd of July

my heart is so not secure
i m scared
afraid that i would fail
afraid that being scorned by ppl
afraid that i would disappoint my parents